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Interesting Reads from Eduology

Past Newsletter - Includes takeaways from summer webinars, discount and complimentary webinar link to “Integrating Emotional Intelligence into Student Success Programs.”

The Neuroscience Behind the Pre-Frontal Cortex and Stress - Decreasing student stress is essential to ensuring student success because the same part of the brain that guides decision-making, problem-solving and planning is also the most sensitive to stress--the pre-frontal cortex. Posted May 14th, 2019 by Eduology

Neuroscience and The Decision-Making Process? - Making decisions is not a simple process, but educators can support students in making decisions in a variety of ways. Posted May 14th, 2019 by Eduology

5 Ways to Improve First-Generation Student Success - Why are first generation students twice as likely to leave college without earning a degree? According to studies, one key factor is that students need more information about financing a college degree. Posted October 2018 by Eduology

Applying Brain Based Education Strategies to Student Affairs Work - Student Affairs professionals walk a fine line between providing enough information but not causing a student to freeze up with the stress of information overload. Current findings in neuropsychology can help define that fine line and provide strategies to better work with students. Posted October 2018 by Eduology

Cog Academic Coach Model: Improving the Well Being of Students and Advisors - The Cog Academic Coach Model incorporates mindfulness practices and professional coaching skills and strategies to aid in increased present moment awareness, decreased stress, and consciousness around emotion regulation, all leading to a deeper connection with students and self. By Guest Writer Kathleen Ellwood, Posted October 2018

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