“It taught me things that I was not aware that a peer mentor had to do... It is an in-depth study of what becoming a peer mentor means.”
Peer Mentor
Certification Course
This peer mentor training gives college students a variety of tools and strategies to succeed in their new roles as peer mentors.
An online peer mentor training leading to peer mentor certification
8-hour online, asynchronous course - begin any time
14 short units with readings, videos, activities, and practice scenarios
Mentoring resources for peer academic coaching
Topics aligned with the College Reading and Language Association (CRLA)’s recommendations under their Level 1 mentor training certification. Course activities can be completed in-time in groups to meet CRLA requirements
Leads to The Peer Leader Center’s National Peer Mentor Certificate
6-month access
Registration: The course costs $99/student. For groups of 10 or more, the cost is $89/student (10% discount) and includes one complimentary staff connection. To register 1-9 students, click the first button. To register 10 or more students, click the second button.
“This is an incredible resource tool for helping other students and one’s own personal development.”
About the Course
The Peer Leader Center's Peer Mentoring Certification 8-hour course is ideal for introducing critical mentoring skills to new mentors. It is also great for reviewing these skills with returning peer leaders or college professionals.
Undergraduate college peer leaders who are new to peer mentoring in such programs as first-year experience, TRIO, academic advising, student organizations, resident advising, peer education, supplementary instruction, tutoring, supplementary instruction, cultural ambassador, cultural intelligence, peer counseling/advising, career services
Professionals who coordinate undergraduate peer mentoring programs and are looking to expand their training skills or want to attend alongside their students
“This course...has tips for the mentor to feel safe and comfortable at all times when helping someone.”
This 8-hour course is offered in an online, asynchronous format throughout the year. The topics are aligned with the College Reading and Language Association’s recommendations under their Level 1 mentor training certification. After completing this course, students will be able to articulate and perform the basic skills of peer mentoring.
The online course is completed in 14 short learning modules and includes reading, activities, scenario practice, quizzes and a video bank to introduce knowledge and skills in each of the following competency areas:
Understanding the Peer Mentor's Role and Responsibilities
Applying the Do’s and Don’ts of Peer Mentoring
Building Communication Skills in Listening and Asking Questions
Building Rapport and Motivating Mentees
Increasing Cultural Awareness
Preparing Students to Study through Academic Coaching
Utilizing Campus and Community Resources and Referral Skills
Navigating Legal and Ethical Issues in Peer Mentoring
Developing a Safe Space
Making Effective Counseling Referrals
“This course clarified many of my misunderstandings about being a peer mentor and made me feel more confident than I would have felt without it.”
Registration and Pricing
The course costs $99/student, there is s 10% discount for groups of 10 (the group price includes 1 complimentary staff connection). Email lisa@peerleadercenter.org if you have questions or would like more information about the course
“I would recommend this course because of how straight-forward it is, how easy of a follow along it is, and how well organized the information is in the class library/pdfs. ”
Why peer mentor certification?
Peer mentors gain preparation to succeed in their roles leading to a more effective program. Plus a peer mentor certificate provides a talking point in resumes an interviews to demonstrate career readiness skills.
What is college peer mentoring?
College peer mentoring usually pairs a more experienced college student with 1 or more newer college students to help support their success in classes and the college environment.
Why college peer mentor training?
Peer mentorship training ensures mentors have the proper training and skills to succeed in their roles which support the success of the mentor, mentee and peer mentoring program.
What is an effective peer mentor training curriculum?
A good peer mentor training curriculum includes relevant content and engaging practice activities and scenario work. The curriculum helps student mentors know where their role begins and ends, supports quality relationships with mentees and provides skills and practice for success in their mentoring roles.
What are elements of a successful peer mentor training program?
Ideally student receive training before beginning their peer mentoring work then on-going support and just-in-time training throughout their time as peer mentors.
Registration includes:
Progress tracking
Short readings
Follow-up, practical activities
Practice scenarios
3 videos and 2 webinar recordings
Course curriculum in line with CRLA mentor training certification requirements
Peer Mentoring Certificate upon successfully finishing the course and submitting a short application with verification of having completed 25 practical mentoring hours
The Peer Mentor Challenge: a series of emails with a challenge to keep students practicing their skills throughout their course. The emails also give mentoring tips and resources.
Course Design
The course includes contributions from national experts in peer mentoring and an experienced instructional designer ensuring excellence in both content and delivery. Each of the 14 sessions applies best practices in instructional design in which students engage in short readings and applied learning activities such as problem-solving case studies and scenarios. The instruction is cyclical so that students review competency areas again and again throughout the course improving student comprehension and retention of content material. Quizzes, pre-assessment and post-assessment assures students have learned the material and measures growth. After successfully completing the course and 25 hours of mentoring, students can apply for The Peer Leader Center’s national peer mentoring certificate.
Course Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
understand and respect the professional responsibilities and boundaries of the peer mentor position.
use listening and questioning strategies to help mentees discover, develop, and apply their strengths in college and beyond.
use self-reflection and cultural awareness strategies to better understand diverse perspectives.
recognize and employ key elements of a safe space.
use relationship-building strategies and motivators to help mentees to set and achieve personal goals.
explain and demonstrate research-based study skills and strategies.
identify key resources available to students on their campuses and communities.
identify characteristics of students in crisis and make effective referrals.
delineate key legal and ethical issues in peer mentoring.
problem-solve challenging peer mentoring scenarios.
apply concepts from college student development theory and learning theories.
Course Contributors
Bryce Bunting, Ph.D. in Educational Psychology
Currently Assistant Clinical Professor in the Counseling & Career Center at Brigham Young University. In his previous position as Associate Director of First-Year Mentoring, he was charged with the development and management of programs serving the broad-range of first-year student, faculty, teaching assistant, and peer mentor development needs associated with First-Year Mentoring (FYM). He oversaw peer mentor and faculty development, conducted program assessment and research on best practices in the first-year. He also coordinated and directed all aspects of FM involvement in first-year programming.
Jennifer Latino, Ph.D. in Higher Education/Higher Education Administration
Prior to joining Ellucian, Jennifer served as the Assistant Vice President for Student Success at Campbell University where she provided leadership for a variety of student success initiatives aimed at supporting the student experience and enhancing student retention. Prior to her work at Campbell, Jennifer was the Associate Director for University 101 Programs at the University of South Carolina (USC) where she worked with the internationally recognized first-year seminar. Her work at USC was focused on the development of a peer education initiative; course and program assessment; and a robust faculty development program.
More of what students have to say about the course…
“This is a wonderful course. I gained so much information and knowledge.”
“I enjoyed everything about this course as I have learned so much. My favorite lesson was the pitfalls and challenges in building peer mentor relationships.”
“I really liked some of the worksheets that were provided with each assignment such as the Cornell note-taking worksheet, reading strategies worksheet, time management worksheet, goal-setting worksheet… I’ll definitely use these as a guide to create my own documents.”
“It helped me in several areas I had trouble when mentoring.”
“As someone who wants to pursue a career in counseling/therapy, I found this course to be helpful for developing listening skills as well as good boundaries that will carry over into other areas of my life for a very long time.”
“This course clarified many of my misunderstandings about being a peer mentor and made me feel more confident than I would have felt without it.”
“… full of thoughtful information that can be used to engage mentors throughout the learning process.”
“I liked that at the end of all the readings it provided me with a resource. Personally having physical things on hand for helpful resources is reassuring.”
“I enjoyed learning about what signs to look for when your mentee needs a referral to a counseling appointment. I feel that is extremely important to know.”
“I would recommend this course to new peer mentors due to the incredible information given regarding active listening skills and how to give a mentee advice without seeming to take on the role of an ‘expert’.”
“I liked the variety of resources and knowledge provided in the modules. It covered a wide range of information that is important to know in becoming a peer mentor.”
“I would recommend this course because of how straight forward, how easy of a follow along it is, and how well organized the information is in the class library/pdfs.”
“What I liked most about this course was that I learned a lot of different things that going to prepare me to be a better peer mentor.”
Additional questions or need more information?
If you have questions or would like additional information (ask about our demo course), please contact lisa@peerleadercenter.org