
Increase First-Gen College Student involvement in Study Abroad


February 15th, 2023 | 2:00 p.m. EST - 3:15 p.m. EST | $395

Build a plan to provided first-generation college students the information and support they need to engage in study abroad—an activity with positive ramifications for students during and post college.

Why This Topic Matters

Despite equity initiatives on campuses, first-generation students are much less likely to engage in study abroad programs. Study abroad studies show the experience positively impacts student success and develop participants’ cultural capital and valuable cultural competencies that will last them far past college. One college found a solution to dramatically increase first-generation student involvement in study abroad.

Who Should View?

This program is ideal for college professionals working within study abroad or within programs supporting first-generation college students. This program is designed specifically for:

  • Directors of Programs Serving First-Generation College Students

  • Directors of Study Abroad and International Studies

  • Academic Deans, Provosts and Vice Presidents Who Oversee Study Abroad, First-Generation Support Programs or Campus Equity Initiatives


Studies show that study abroad positively impacts college students, especially first-generation college students. However, far fewer first-generation students study abroad compared to their classmates.

Explore an innovative, multi-pronged approach that improved first-generation college student participation in study abroad. Using this approach, the college has greatly increased the percentage of first generation college students participation, providing a model for how to improve first-generation student access to study abroad.

This webinar will help you restructure your approach to better engage first-generation students in study abroad. You will learn how to inform your work from an equity and social justice framework. Then, you will consider how to partner with and engage others on campus to improve your outreach to students and to foster a holistic, appreciative advising approach that creates a sense of belonging. Finally, you will look at how to improve your communications strategies by adjusting vernacular, implementing a flipped classroom model, and increasing the reach of your messaging through multiple modalities.


This interactive webinar will walk you through the steps you can take to improve first-generation college student participation in study abroad at your institution, including

  • Understanding first-generation college students’ challenges and strengths in study abroad participation

  • Building campus connections and partnerships to support your work

  • Engaging faculty and peer mentors

  • Auditing the “typical” messaging around study abroad

  • Creating a communications plan that begins in the first year and uses multiple modalities

  • Providing education and advising about study abroad and financing your time abroad

Pricing and Webinar Connection Information

Live Webinar Site Connection and On-Demand Recording    $395


  • 5 connections for staff members from your institution with each registration (only during the health crisis)

  • Connection information sent one week prior to the event and again the day before the event. Any questions can be emailed to the program contact at the bottom of this web page.

  • An electronic link containing a recording of the webinar and resources emailed to you within 7 business days following the live webinar date (active for 30 days). The link can be shared with your entire staff to view the recording.

  • Follow-up resources and assignments to help you implement your learning.

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Ali E. Janicek, Assistant Dean for International & Off-Campus Study, Office of International Programs, Franklin & Marshall College

Ali currently works with student to promote cross-cultural experiences where she developed the outreach plan to first-generation students to increase their involvement in study abroad. She previously worked for nine years at the Institute for Study Abroad at Butler University.  

Ali's interests in the field of education abroad center around enhancing the education abroad experience through intercultural learning programming and curriculum integration, connecting the transferable skills gained abroad with students' future careers, and making study abroad more accessible to diverse student populations.

Questions about the program?

Please email Lisa info@eduology.org.