While first-generation college students have generated a lot of attention, many of their individual college experiences remain unknown.
Read More5 Ways We Are Failing Transfer Students Today
Many moons ago when I was in undergrad, I decided to transfer from the small liberal arts college I was attending in Colorado to a large public university two hours north. My reasons were varied. I’d graduated from a smaller high school and a part of me just wanted to attend a big school where I could be more anonymous as well as reinvent myself. I took a year off to work and live abroad then made the move to a new campus.
Read More3 Tips To Go Multilingual On Your Campus
With globalization and increased calls for diversity in higher education, professionals offering student support services find themselves grappling to make their campuses more inclusive. Diversity in this context implies the coexistence of students from various cultures who may even speak different (non-English) languages at home. Diversity also implies the appreciation of the students’ many languages and the cultures they embody.
Read MoreHow a Creatively-Designed Alumni Mentoring Program Can Support Your COVID-Era Graduates
In alumni mentoring, creating appropriate matches, communicating with program participants and managing a program over time can drain career professionals’ time and energy. That said, when a program is done right, it holds immeasurable benefits for students and a truly heart-warming and engaging opportunity for alumni.
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