Advising African American MEn to Support Success

November 13th, 2024 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. EST | $395

This proactive advising approach brings a humanistic and holistic perspective to working with African American men to support their college success and includes advising strategies that can benefit all students.


Why Does This Topic Matter?

This important webinar addresses the inequalities Black men face in achieving academic success and how academic advisors can provide a better approach to supporting Black male student success.

Who Should Attend?

This program is ideal for higher education professionals, especially academic advisors, who would like to learn research-based strategies to better support the success of African American male students.

  • Academic Advisors

  • Academic Advising Leadership

  • Academic Support Professionals

  • TRIO, Student Support Services Professionals


Advisors play a critical role in encouraging African American men to persist and succeed in their college studies. Understanding the cultural background and communication styles of this student population can help advisors create a safer, more welcoming environment for African American men.

Though this advising approach includes strategies essential to encouraging African American men to succeed in college, these research-based strategies can benefit all students and improve an advisor's overall professional toolbox. This webinar will explore how advisors can serve African American males more effectively by:

  • Building a better understanding of African American Males

  • Recognizing common barriers to success

  • Providing strategies for building relationships and discussing student challenges

  • Tips for training yourself and colleagues in advising to better serve African American Men

Pricing and Webinar Connection Information

Live Webinar Site Connection and On-Demand Recording    $395


  • 5 connections for staff members from your institution with each registration

  • Connection information sent one week prior to the event and again the day before the event. Any questions can be emailed to the program contact at the bottom of this web page.

  • An electronic link containing a recording of the webinar and resources emailed to you within 7 business days following the live webinar date (active for 30 days). The link can be shared with your entire staff to view the recording.

  • Follow-up resources and assignments to help you implement your learning.

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Dr. Terrance J. McClain, Director of the Student Success Center, McCoy College of Business Texas State University-San Marcos

Dr. McClain currently oversees all aspects of the Student Success Center. Previously, he was Associate Director of University Success Coaching where he oversaw the program from he hired and trained coaches, redesigned the program to ground it in theory and research and built campus connections to support the success of the program; he significantly increased student coaching services on his campus. He was previously a success coach and before that managed the CAFE, a Career and Financial Education program and developed a highly successful money management center on his campus. He also oversaw the campus professional development program, the Career Readiness Institute, for training, support and development of department academic leaders to promote departmental leadership and on-going skill development. Previously, he has held positions as an academic advisor and academic coach. Additionally, as the past president of TEXAAN, he provided leadership and professional development opportunities for academic advisors in Texas.