Building or improving a Comprehensive Advisor Training Program (Webinar Recording)
Recorded July 19th, 2022 | 2:00 p.m. ET - 3:15 p.m. ET
Webinar Recording Available | $395
Gain tools for developing, formalizing and assessing a training program for professional advisors.
Why This Topic Matters
To effectively support student success, academic advisors need quality training. Yet, building or improving a comprehensive advising training program requires the right vision and set of tools. Learn from an award-winning, experienced director of advising how you can better prepare your academic advising team to provide consistent and effective advising.
Who Should Attend?
This program is ideal for academic administrators who oversee academic advising, including:
Directors of Academic Advising
Academic Deans, Provosts and Vice Presidents who oversee Academic Advising or Faculty Advising
Efforts to professionalize academic advising in colleges and universities across the country continue to grow; however, organized advisor training programs have not kept pace. Learn about the process and tools needed to develop robust training for professional advisors that can be formalized and assessed to ensure quality and consistency.
An advisor training program provides advisors the information, strategies and support they need to effectively meet the needs of diverse student populations. This webinar will help you build a vision for your on-boarding process on your campus, including how individual mentoring, coaching and reflective supervision are foundational to supporting ongoing advisor growth and development. Also, consider how to develop a peer-to-peer training or “shadowing” training to give new advisors a richer learning experience while experienced advisors model best practices.
Then walk through on-going training processes to aid all advisors in learning about policy and procedural changes while continuing to build and add to their advising tool kits. This encourages all advisors to continually learn and grow through such opportunities as attending professional association conferences/trainings, degree programs and working on special projects. This interactive webinar will address the questions:
Why invest time and resources in a formalized training program?
Who will provide the training?
What information needs to be communicated?
How should the program be organized and documented?
How to assess training outcomes?
Pricing and Webinar Connection Information
Live Webinar Site Connection and On-Demand Recording $395
5 connections for staff members from your institution with each registration (only during the health crisis)
Connection information sent one week prior to the event and again the day before the event. Any questions can be emailed to the program contact at the bottom of this web page.
An electronic link containing a recording of the webinar and resources emailed to you within 7 business days following the live webinar date (active for 30 days). The link can be shared with your entire staff to view the recording.
Follow-up resources and assignments to help you implement your learning.
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Terri Carroll, M.Ed., Executive Director of Academic Advising, University of North Georgia
Terri oversees advising as the University of Georgia, designated as a University System of Georgia (USG) state leadership institution and the Military College of Georgia—home to about 20,000 students. She manages the efforts of professional advisors in campus Advising Centers and collaborates with UNG faculty advisors to support UNG student progression, retention, and graduation.
Terri’s department has won numerous awards, including the USG Chancellor’s Customer Service Award, the USG’s Gold Award for Outstanding Process Improvement, and the Complete College Georgia Champion Award. Terri is also Co-Director of the university’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) for SACSCOC reaccreditation, which is focused on centralizing academic advising. Terri has served as a consultant to other institutions looking to change the organizational structure of advising and as the Lead QEP Evaluator for other institution’s undergoing SACSCOC reaccreditation.
Terri earned her M.Ed. from Mercer University and has over 13 years of professional experience in the University System of Georgia, including positions as adjunct faculty and Director of Admissions. She is also a frequent presenter of best practices at National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) state and regional conferences and has published in the NACADA journal.
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