
Inclusive Advising to Improve the Advising Relationship and Support Student Success (Webinar)


November 9th, 2022 | 2:00 p.m. EST - 3:15 p.m. EST | $395

Strategies for academic and faculty advisors to improve their students’ sense of belonging on campus.

Who Should Attend?

This program is ideal for college career center professionals and other campus professionals that engage in career coaching.

  • Directors of advising centers

  • College academic and faculty advisors

  • Student success coaches

  • Peer mentors and peer success coaches

Why This Topic Matters

From students’ first interactions on campus, they immediately feel included or excluded, a perception that strongly impacts a student’s college success. Academic and faculty advisors play a critical role in providing students with a sense of belonging beginning with the first advising appointment and continuing through a students’ college career.


This training will give you specific strategies to help all of your students feel included during advising sessions. The facilitator begins by guiding discussion on key concepts such as diversity, equity and cultural sensitivity as they relate to inclusivity within the context of college advising. Then, the facilitator provides strategies and interactions to help you apply these concepts to improve the academic advising relationship and better support student success. This highly participatory workshop will give all attendees opportunities to learn and share best practices on how to create inclusivity in advising sessions and build a more culturally aware advising unit by:

  • Discussing the concepts of diversity, equality, equity, cultural sensitivity and inclusivity

  • Reflecting on how these concepts relate to effective college advising practices

  • Sharing strategies to help students feel belonging during an advising session

  • Improving the advising relationship by using a culturally sensitive approach

  • Exploring best practices in creating a more culturally aware advising environment

  • Leaning in to more culturally-aware advising by beginning to draft a diversity statement

Live Webinar Site Connection and On-Demand Recording

Registration Fee: $395


  • 5 connections for staff members from your institution with each registration (only during the health crisis)

  • Connection information sent one week prior to the event and again the day before the event. Any questions can be emailed to the program contact at the bottom of this web page.

  • An electronic link containing a recording of the webinar and resources emailed to you within 7 business days following the live webinar date (active for 30 days). The link can be shared with your entire staff to view the recording.

  • Follow-up resources and assignments to help you implement your learning.


Additional Training Opportunities

Building & Growing a Peer Mentor Program Using Best Practices - Click here to order the recording

A Trauma-Informed Approach to Supporting Students on Campus - Click here to order the recording

Building or Improving a Comprehensive Advisor Training Program - Click here to order the Recording

Engaging in Career Conversations with Students: Training for College Faculty and Campus professionals - Click here to order the recording

Click Here for All Titles


Dr. Locksley Knibbs (He/Him), Lead Academic Advisor- Team Natural Sciences at Florida Gulf Coast University

Dr. Knibbs is an innovative and creative educator and leader with more than 18 years of demonstrated experience in program coordination, leadership, and management, and professional development. In addition to advising students, he has an in-depth understanding of the current trends and demographic shifts impacting today’s higher education environment. His expertise is in creating, managing, and leading academic support initiatives focused on holistic student development, social justice, and eliminating barriers to educational access and academic success through intentional collaboration, research, and inclusivity practices that promote equitable outcomes student success. He presents and writes to national audiences, including the advisor’s association NACADA.

Questions about the program?

Please email lisa@eduology.org.